A light relief moment came during visits to the studios by the Edwards/McGrath grandchildren.

Fun In The studio
Whilst the younger end (2-4) still like to create rather wild pictures, the pressure to produce an identifiable piece of art work seems to kick in after 4.
So we took the opportunity to experiment with the older group (6-9), by freeing them from the restraints that representational art appears to impose.
- Fun In The Studio
- Fun In The Studio
- Fun In The Studio
With instructions to close their eyes for outline oil stick drawing on large canvases, the kids let rip. The followup unrestrained application of colours and extravagant movements with large brushes reminded me of Tom in ‘Northern Brushstrokes‘ mood.
The results were phenomenal and are a salutary lesson to painters everywhere to just let it all hang out!
- Fun In The Studio – Sorrel
- Fun In The Studio – Poppy
- Fun in The Studio -Pip